Let's link vi and chrome using vimscript
It has been almost an year since I started using vi (or vim). It is one of those decisions that really changed the way I perceived development environments. I feel that, in terms of possibilities vi dwarfs every other editor in the market and the vi community is really helpful and cool!
In my current work, I spend a lot of time looking at tests to understand the intent. Most of the time, I need to navigate from the test to the specification in order to understand the context. This is an annoying repititive process and as a vi user and a Software Engineer, it’s a cardinal rule that one must thrive to do less and automate repititive tasks as much as possible. Following is my solution.
This is how our typical test looks like,
The process that I would follow to search for the requirments tagged against the test is simple.
- Copy the requirement
- Search it in our requirement management system
I wrote the following vimscript to automate the process for me. (For this example, the script simply starts a google search using the requirement. At work, I use the correct URL for our requirements management system search.)
Step by step explanation of the vimscript:
- Save current position of the cursor
- Search backwords (b), starting from current line (c), without wrap-around (W) for the word class to find the start of the test and set the cursor on that line.
- Search for the line with REQUIREMENT from the cursor position
- Copy the string inside [ ]
f["ayi[ means Find square bracket copy everything in square bracket to register a
- Retore the position of the cursor
- Get the value in register a
- Remove all new lines, quotation marks and spaces from the string
- Split the string to create a list of requirements
- Open the browser with search_url + requirement as an argument for each requirement
- Redraw the whole vim window
- Provide feedback to user
- Finally, I map \rrr key stroke to call the OpenRequirement function
The working script looks like
I’m sure that there is a better way to do the pattern substitution. However, it doesn’t work as I expected. I’ll modify the post once I improve it.
This shows how awesome vim is. It’s very easy to make your repititive tasks easy. I’ve a fully fledged plugin for work which has all sort of tricks I use to build, test, debug and with this even to search for requirements. If you are a vi user, I encourage you to experiment in vimscript to make your life easier. If you are not a vi user, you are missing out!
Happy hacking!
- Pradeepa